Вот, что волнует меня. Написал для фейсбука. ---- One of the main reasons for the events unfolding in Ukraine is the Russian propaganda. In Russia, the media (especially TV networks) have been working hard to brand the Ukrainian people as weak, anti-Russian, pro-American, hardcore nationalists. And due to the lack of education and alternative news sources, many Russians have bought into this lie and, hence, support the actions of Putin. It's not their fault, really, but it's quite unfortunate. What's much worse, though, is that Ukraine lives in the media space of Russia, and a large part of the population watches Russian TV channels or Russian newscasts transmitted via Ukrainian TV channels (the latter do this to save money on having their own newsrooms). This leads ethnically Russian Ukrainians to believe that Russia is coming to save them from the oppression of the aforementioned nationalists, even though they personally never experiences any kind of oppression. At this point, it is too late to stop the propaganda, but being aware of it and talking about it is highly important. Raising awareness means creating doubt, and doubt is the first step to thinking for yourself. And thinking for yourself is the first step towards freedom.

Теги других блогов: Russian propaganda Ukrainian conflict media manipulation